Understanding training age:

A common thought process among lifters of all experience levels, is that heavy loaded barbell movements are the most bang for buck exercise choice available to a lifter. Now, whilst this in context can be true, we need to remember that a lot of barbell exercises produce a high strain on the body whilst eliciting a high force output. If a beginner is to last the journey within the weights room, they need to be prepared for training loads and strain levels. This is an adaptation that the body goes through over time, therefore giving merit to the term “training age”.

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Busting myths:

For the purpose of this blog post, I am going to drop a bit of heat on some myths and fiction surrounding training. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding exercise, some are good and some are not so good; so without further adduce, I shall get right into a few of the biggest misconceptions I hear surrounding training.

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