Time under tension:

For the purpose of this blog I am going to highlight a secret weapon of strength and hypertrophy training and give you some practical examples along with scientific explanation as to why you should consider this modality within your current routine. I am talking about eccentric training alongside isometric training. Both variables have proven themselves extremely valuable in any routine and now more than ever, as we are training with limited equipment, I feel as though these techniques should be added to your regime.

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Unlocking the posterior chain:

Throughout my last blog I highlighted the three movement planes which I feel need to be addressed within this isolation period, in order to build symmetry and address weaknesses within regular gym based training programs. I highlighted how almost every exercise takes place within the sagittal plane, with little to no regard surrounding the frontal and transverse planes. By having access to machines, cables and heavy barbells, we always do the same sorts of things. We always use the same excuses as to why certain exercises are too hard and we never take a backwards step. The purpose of this blog is to break down the weak points most people face with their mobility and offer solutions as to how to get the best bang for your buck with a mobility routine.

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Isolation movement mastery:

For the purpose of this blog I’d like to throw out some challenges and highlight some exercise which I feel will add some serious value to your current routine, given that they are mostly equipment free and bodyweight, as well as really highlight some of the things you are lacking strength in. You could come away from this isolation period as a mobility god with a mean pistol squat and seriously low lateral squat, it’s up to you.

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